Friday, July 29, 2011

Mimpi Ngeri Datang Lagi

Cerita Hati Cik Bee Dicoret Pada Friday, July 29, 2011
Last two weeks, i bangun pagi dengan keadaan terkejut. it was 8.00 a.m! ohmaGod!!! lambat laa aku ke ofis. mandi kerbau sudah! dum, Friday mana keje daaa. dush dush dus.. adoi wat penat terperanjat jek. dah sedar dari luar kesedaran baru sedar it was friday morning, not thursday, even sunday! kah kah kah kalu ye pon workoholic....

Semalam sampai di ofis, saya rasa macam ada aura pelik.... ada marketing person tiba awal di pejabat. it was amazing! seriuosly amazing! tak pernah-pernah sharp 8.45 tercegat di office. oh no, he was there before 8.30 am lagi!!! and, early in the morning he gave me 2 files.. dan beberapa jam seketika, disusunnye elok-elok di atas meja another 10 files. ERK. at the meantime, marketing execs akan force customer meka datang ke ofis sign loan agreement yang dah lulus... once they agreed the agreement, the figures masuk kocek, so target pon tercapai....

before lunch, lagi another 1 file ada atas meja. terkezut eden.. weh weh i baru siap wat satu case. 2 3 cases da nak rejek.. adoi adoi. since it is month ending surely marketing exec masing-masing berlumba dan berkejaran nak capai target mereka. bukan takat mereka berpeluh cari cases, processing part laaaagiiiiiiii berpeluh okeh.. i jammed sekejap semalam. mismanagement. terdiam terdampar di bangku. taktaw mana nak mula nak buat. kalu doktor mismanagement, patient dah mati dah. kalu credit processor jammed, memang bankrupt la bank.  this sunday dah nak disburse sume cases tergendala, since sunday is the last chance to get the figure for July... phewwww. gile taw.

this is bankers. every month  end, suasana ini akan berlaku. and i got the warning: tunggu laa bulan pose nanti.  banyak laa cases yang ank disburse. ramai nanti berlumba nak wat personal loan... so stand by mineral water and roti yerk untuk berbuka di ofis.. kite hampar tikar, berbuka ramai-ramai.. ERK..scarry!

1 Orang Terasa Hati:

aReLaN on July 30, 2011 at 12:32 AM said...

hahahah...sori la sorg ni xphm sgt bhsa mne2 keje pn ade susah senang dia kn.ganbare


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