Tuesday, April 28, 2009

doctor Vs Engineer Vs Accountant Vs Lawyer

Cerita Hati Cik Bee Dicoret Pada Tuesday, April 28, 2009
this time, im gonna talk bout something that more serius which is not my experties to talk about, actually. and i think this n3 is quite late for 2007 and 2008 SPM students, who gonna further their studies in alil bit time, sooner...

to future proffesionals, yang terer in their own field plz do correct me if im wrong k ;)

during our chilhood,
most of us sangt teruja to be someone yg nampak glamourous and cantek dipandang. someone like singer, stewardess, actors and bla bla bla(pdhal tue sume tipu, makeup jek tebal, bedak jerk dah 1 kg ditempeknye)...

when we grower up, students usually aim to be doctor or engineer and for sastera aliran, they usually loking 4 accountant n lawyer kan..ehehe 4 me, that 4 careers are d most yg students nampak.. xtw nak salahkan sape, mostly x didedahkan sangat dgn other proffesional career yg juga hebat-hebat(based on experience penulis =P)

medical course is not just about biologies and human.it is more than that. . ermm alam sekitar pon, may be relate jgak sbb kalu x, xder la pgawai kesihatan dtg wat inspection kat umah kalu ada denggi cases kan? talking bout pakar , there are more than pakar sakit puan /tuan, pakar mata, pakar bedah n macam2 laa..only medical studenst n doctor know details...

engineer.. not just about physics and machines.. and who knows, there are a lot of engineering courses, not just civil, electric and electronic... macam2 lg ada.. aircraft, marine, material ( u, tq let me knowing dis courses huahahaha) textile, biochemical engineering pon ada taw, and macam2 lg laaa kan.. tp msalah nye ttap sama, students tak didedahkan dgn luasnye bidang2 ini...

accountant plak.. ermmm d 1st picture dat will have surely about debit or credit and either balance or not d acount.. but, u shud noe, it is more than that.. it is not just about acocunt principles..accountant also relates to taxation, auditing, insurance, shares and banyak lg... economic rules also part dat accountant shud noe in decison making..but, tak dinafikan, d major is, of kos, finance field laa kan.. tp, sape yg taw, accountant jgak laa sebenarnye yg tetapkan number of stock material utk kilang2 process? ehehehe.. (blagak sket.saya pon baru taw bnanye)

lawyer.. ermm honestly speaking, i've no idea to talk bout because xder contoh2 terdekat utk dijadikan sample..ehehe.. but, im pretty sure this job also one of markets job yg jd pilihan students.. erm people always say that law course relate to history subjet but im not so sure how far the truth is.. ape yg saya taw, saya pnah amek paper company and secretarial law.. ianye sngat memenatkan otak utk hafal!! damn, i hate dat paper n if i am given d choices, i will never taking law course(melainkan kalu terdesak la kan).. satu paper pon da separuh giler ku maw hafal nye.. just imagine if 1 sem, ada 6 subjects law..hushh!! saya respect to law students who are very gud, gudest in memorizing the facts, rules, acts and mcam2 lg.

what im very sure, these 4 careers have d same environment, which is BUSY FIELDS..

let c.. my aunt is a doctor and at her 1st year posting, boleh dikatakan selang sehari die kna on call.. going to hospital at early 7.00 am, nk kna kejar masa nk round ward la, cek patient laa n report to specialist d condition of patients. and kalu bkan malam, x sah akan blik umah.. kalu on call?? ermmmm..
doctor such a great job.. my aunt slalu psan to her anak2 sdare. to those yg nak jd doctor, it is not about gettng famous or about salary, and also not about mudah nye nk dpat kerje.. u really need sincere heart in helping people and ready to sacrifice ur own time.. and, MINAT mendalam also penting tuk encorage n motivate u tuk tak patah smangat..leteh woo. mata yg tngok ni pon pnat, ni kan plak tuan punye diri..

engineer and accountant pon sama.. they are not just tight with offie hours... Over time sngat penting..ahahaha.. kalu hari x gelap, jgn harap nk blik umah kan.. and my uncles and cousin ada yg jd engineer.... erm upenye engineer pon ada gak yg na on call mcam doctor, work 24 hours in day!

n accountant, luckily, x dngar lg yg kna keje 24 jam.. tp kalu blik smpai kul 12 mlm 1 pg tue ada laa, especially in peak period in december n april... yer laa time tue sebok nak disclose account, nak kire tax....

lawyer pon keje x tentu masa kan?? nak siasat kes laa, nk kna g hadap tok hakim laaa... all about time constraint...

just imagine a doctor kawen ngan lawyer.. tak pon accountant ngan engineer..PJJ plak tue.. ni bkan pendidikan jarak jauh.. ni perkahwinan jarak jauh.. jumpe sebulan sekali pon blum tentu..haishhhh... both busyman n busy woman... ermm think think think if it is gonna hapen to u in future...ape nak wat nanti?? ehehehe

so, u all outside there, pilih la course yg seswai ngan jiwa
.. kekadang, kia minat ngnsesuatu bidang tak bermakna kita mampu utk carry that subjects.. i learnt from experiences. to muslims, do solat istikharah before decide wat course shud be taken. HIS guide and petunjuk sngat berguna n bermakna n Insya Allah u wil not regret in future.. sometime, d best for us is not the bestfor HIM.. only HE knows everything....

7 Orang Terasa Hati:

diana on April 29, 2009 at 4:06 PM said...

sape accountant dgn engineer tu??;D

Cik Bee on April 30, 2009 at 12:24 AM said...

accountant tue aku, engineer tu kamu.. hahaha

diana on April 30, 2009 at 11:22 AM said...

haha betol2!tapi kurang tepat.kah2

Cik Bee on April 30, 2009 at 12:01 PM said...

ceh.... yer la yer la.. syaz engineer org tue doctor 2 be... kah 100x =P

diana on May 4, 2009 at 1:34 AM said...

haha!aku tau kau paham maksudku nabihah.xpayah ckp pasl aku atau org lain pulak.hahahha

Amizah Azid on May 9, 2009 at 12:44 AM said...

peringatan kpd adik-adik yg nk amek chemical engineering, pk sejuta kali. chemical engineering bkn chemistry semata-mata ok! it more to physics and math. rata-rata yg pegi educamp/interview akn jawab sbb minat chemistry apabila ditanya sbb ape amek chemE.
tp jgn lah takut plak, chemE best sbenanye. gilerr best!!

Cik Bee on May 10, 2009 at 12:03 AM said...

tq mizah with d nasihat bguna tue...


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